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Pros & Cons of Trait Theory

Referring to the two articles that were discussed in class, I will discuss my views on the trait based theory and great man theory.

The trait-based theory essentially says that certain key traits make up a leader. I do believe that there are common qualities that every leader should portray; however, I do not think that there is only one set of traits that will make every leader the best they can be. The style of leadership can be dependent on the situation and the person him/herself. If everyone were meant to be the same leader, there would be no “great” leaders, only “good” or “average” ones. And those great leaders who have found their own unique set of traits that make them shine are the ones who are so inspirational.

To sum up the great man theory, it is basically the belief that leaders are born, not made. While I do somewhat agree with the fact that certain people are gifted with specific characteristics that make them natural leaders, I also believe that people can develop leadership skills through experience and by overcoming life’s obstacles. Although some lucky people come into this world with a natural ability to influence others, it does not mean that the rest of us are doomed. It means that there is more development to be had, and each new experience will create growth and knowledge about leadership. When it comes down to it, being a leader is about taking risks and making the initiative to make change and encourage others, which anyone can do if they are passionate about the work they are doing and care for the people they are working with.

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