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Contingency Theories: Part One

In class, we learned about situational leadership theories, which we can see applied through the Blanchard Model. This model contains four different approaches to the two key leadership styles: directive vs. supportive leadership. The four approaches are delegating, supporting, directing, and coaching. The basis on this theory is that each leader will take on one of these approaches primarily based on the situation that is at hand and will adapt to the situation.

One of my favorite supervisors where I work is a very supportive leader. She is not so direct in the tasks that need to be done, but she always shows support and I can always count on her when I need something. I am currently being trained as a supervisor (to learn the extra duties and responsibilities that the position requires so I can be manager on duty as needed), so it really helps that she gives me the space that I need to get the work done on my own, while still being there for me to ask questions and gain clarification on what I don’t understand.

Her leadership behaviors “match” with mine because I have the experience needed to complete the tasks on my own, without any direction. I am a very emotion-driven person, so it really helps to have someone at work that I can come to for anything, and can be comfortable around. It makes work fun knowing that we have each other’s backs and work well together without any unneeded stress.

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