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My Experience With Chick Fil A

I think that when people think of companies that are known for their hospitality, they go straight to Marriott or Disneyland, or companies that provide a service that is defined as a hospitality company. However, to me, hospitality is all in the way guests are treated and the impact you leave on them, even if it’s just making them smile with your friendliness.

This is why I am doing my case study on the fast food restaurant, Chick Fil A. Although Chick Fil A is a fast-food type of restaurant, they have such outstanding customer service and quality food, that I personally view Chick Fil A as more of a casual restaurant that you really experience rather than try to get in and out as quick as possible. Experiences have to meet the customer’s needs, and this is why I think Chick Fil A does so well at what they do. They surpass people’s expectations of dining at a fast food restaurant by treating guests as if they are dining with a hospitality organization. According to the “Welcome to the Experience Economy” article, people will pay more for convenience, enjoyment, and a better experience. Chick Fil A has a strong company culture that plays a part in the way the employees treat their guests. For example, the company has it’s own “language” they use that separate them from your ordinary McDonalds or Subway. They welcome their customers with a cute little phrase, “It’s a great day at Chick Fil A, how may I help you?” and respond with “it’s my pleasure”. These small touches add value to the company, make them viewed as friendly and welcoming, and set them apart from their competitors.

I chose this company because out of all the fast food restaurants that I have been to, I always leave with a smile on my face and seem to have an outstanding experience. The food quality itself is that of beyond the competition and the friendly service that is provided encourages me to continue the rest of my day with the same level of energy and enthusiasm.

On top of that, their company is well known, especially with the cow mascot telling guests to “Eat Mor Chickn”, a cute and innovative way to encourage guests to eat at Chick Fil A. I also personally associate the cow mascot with good times because of a Chick Fil A commercial that my family and friends watched in high school that my dad turned into an inside joke. The commercial was of a businessman named Kevin eating a burger in the cafeteria the top story of a skyscraper. The Chick Fil A cow was washing the window on a pulley and looked in the window with a disappointed look of betrayal, with a sarcastic sign that said, “Reely Kevin?”. My dad thought this was hilarious and laughed for minutes straight rewinding the commercial and reenacting the voice of the cow, which ended up turning into a catch phrase with our family and friends. Reely Kevin – a sarcastic term meaning “are you kidding me?” or used in place of vulgar language, especially when getting cut off by another car on the freeway. Because of my state of mind and the way I view Chick Fil A based on my personal experiences as well as the interactions I have had with the company, I see Chick Fil A as more than just a fast-food place. I see it as an experience.

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